Capacitating African Institutions for Joint Action
Coordination of global, regional and national energy initiatives presents a challenge to both African and European countries, as they seek to deploy their efforts to achieve SDG7 in the most effective way. A key success factor of an impactful and equal partnership rests with African institutions that are well capacitated to carry-out joint actions.
The AEEP provides capacity support to African institutions, including the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Development Agency AUDA-NEPAD. Important joint initiatives for the partnership include the African School of Regulation (ASR), the Continental Power System Master Plan (CMP) and efforts that strengthen the regulatory capacities in Africa for the successful realisation of the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM).
By ensuring and maintaining dynamic political dialogue between African institutions and European counterparts, the AEEP also supports African institutions to position joint priorities in the international energy and climate debates, and to strengthen African voices within the partnership and international fora like UN climate conferences, the Group of Seven (G7), and the Group of Twenty (G20).
© AEEP 2023