7th PIDA Week Focuses on Building and Sustaining Resilience in Africa Through Infrastructure

On 28 February – 4 March 2022, the 7TH PIDA Week will be organised in Nairobi, Kenya, under the theme: “Putting Africa on a firm footing for recovery, growth, and resilience through Infrastructure”.
The aim is to bring together international and regional expertise from multiple stakeholders to discuss issues around infrastructure delivery in Africa, and especially those questions that related to the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA).
The 5-day event comprises of over 40 separate sessions that focus on how Africa can lead the way in the delivery of infrastructure in a post-COVID19 era, and simultaneously support the continent’s economic and social development in the digital age.
The potential of wind against the backdrop of AfSEM and CMP
On February 28, 11:00-12:30 (EAT), the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) will participate in the session “Towards the implementation of Africa Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) and Continental Power System Master Plan (CMP)” together with the African Union Commission (AUC), AUDA-NEPAD and the EU-GTAF. The session will provide a holistic picture and vision of AfSEM and the CMP by outlining their background, current status and future outlook.
Opening remarks will be delivered by an EU representative (tbc) and Mr. Moses Bayingana, Acting Director, Infrastructure & Energy, AUC. Mr. Peter Kinuthia, Senior Energy Advisor, Infrastructure & Energy, AUC, will present AfSEM in more detail, whereas Mr. Tichakunda Simbini, AUDA NEPAD, will outline the status and road ahead for the CMP. Mr. Johan van den Berg, Head of Secretariat, AEEP, will talk about the potential of wind energy in Africa in light of the recommendations found in the newly launched AEEP Wind Policy Brief.
Register now at: 7TH PIDA Week