The European Union Unveils Flagship Projects in Climate and Energy Sector for Africa
The EU-Africa flagship projects for 2023, part of the Global Gateway Flagship Projects, were unveiled by the European Union on 1 March 2023. They will focus on concrete infrastructure investments in Africa in the digitalisation, climate and energy, transport, health, education, and research sectors.
The projects aim to strengthen African-European collaboration through various integral partnerships and improvements in the policy, regulatory and business environment, and through developing necessary skills, fostering innovation, and transferring of latest technology between the continents.
The launch of the flagship projects in the climate and energy sector in Africa is an important step in the EU’s efforts to enhance collaboration and achieve the outcomes of the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative (AEGEI), launched in November 2022. By 2030, AEGEI aims to support the deployment of at least 50GW of renewable electricity, providing at least 100 million people with access to electricity.
The Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP), as the political dialogue arm of the AEGEI, supports the achievement of just energy transitions on both the continents. The AEEP supports the AEGEI aims to increase renewable electricity production and access to energy, promote energy efficiency, create a conducive regulatory environment for private investments and advance market integration in Africa.
Highlights from the 2023 EU-Africa Flagship Projects for energy and climate include:
– Construction of a National Control Centre for energy infrastructure and improvement of the reliability and sustainability of the power supply in Mozambique.
– Construction of hybrid and solar power plants and extension of the energy network in Niger.
– Construction of a 85 MW solar PV plant combined with electrolysers, and implementation of a partnership on raw materials value chains and renewable hydrogen in Namibia.
– Expansion of a biogas plant (Bio2Watt project) producing biogas from animal waste and other waste sources in South Africa.
Download the full project list here: Global Gateway 2023 Flagship projects – Infographics (