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Energy Partnership

Category: Allgemein

As every year, the conference will enable side events by different stakeholders to showcase initiatives, share knowledge and position crucial topics in the programme. We have collected some of the side events to keep an eye out for that will feature energy-related discussions relevant for Africa and Europe.

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Allgemein Capacitating Joint Action Evidence and Knowledge
The African Union Development Agency NEPAD has released their synthesis report on the African Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP), quantifying the value of the envisioned continental wide electricity power network. The report details how current energy development trajectories are inadequate to unlock the continent’s growth potential.

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The Fourth Ordinary Session of the African Union Specialised Technical Committee on Transport, Transcontinental and Interregional Infrastructure, and Energy (STC-TTIIE) was held in Zanzibar, Tanzania, from the 12th to 15th of September 2023. As the African continent looks towards the future, the development of an energy grid to provide electricity to every corner of the continent was at the forefront of this meeting.

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Allgemein Thriving Political Dialogue
On 4 September 2023, the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) organised the third edition of the AEEP Forum in-person and online during the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi, Kenya under the theme Building Bridges for Green Growth. The ACS side event brought together high-level African and European stakeholders to discuss the need to future-proof energy systems on both continents and importance of mobilising both public and private sector resources for renewable energy development.

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The AEEP is supported by its Steering Group: