AU Assembly Adopts PIDA PAP II

The Assembly of the African Union Heads of States and Government have adopted the second phase of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA PAP II). With the adoption of the programme the priorities for regional infrastructure development are set until 2030.
The PIDA PAP II was adopted in the AU Assembly’s 34th Ordinary Session on 7 February 2021 together with the strategic implementation, financing and partnership strategies. These strategic documents guide the work on altogether 69 regional infrastructure projects. With an estimated budget of 161 billion USD (around 135 billion euro) the projects cover the four sectors of Energy, Transport, Trans-Boundary Water and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
PIDA PAP II is designed to promote a corridor approach that aims for a bottom-up process where gender-sensitivity, employment and climate-friendly infrastructure is considered. The second phase also puts emphasis on encouraging inclusiveness that contributes towards a sustainable growth and development that incorporates the new principles of Agenda 2063.